UniTargetingResearch AS is a biotech spin-off of the University of Bergen, Norway, Newcastle University, UK, and University of Barcelona, Spain.
IP and know-how
The company has generated superior IP and know-how in the area of posttranscriptional regulation in mammalian cells through many years of research and industrial collaborations.
The company aquired the IP for a molecular diagnostic test for colorectal cancer from ColoAlert AS (see presentation of Coloalert test here). UTR has sold the test to Mainz Biomed NV, but is still heaviliy engaged in the further development of the test.
Industrial application
The UTR vector tools have been integrated into the standard manufacturing platforms of global biopharmaceutical companies, and the ColoAlert test is offered by large clinical laboratories in Europe.
UniTargetingResearch AS is a biotech spin-of of the University of Bergen, Norway, Newcastle University, UK, and University of Barcelona, Spain.
Industrial collaborators